As the Worm Turns

As the Worm Turns
If you look close when you snorkel or scuba dive in Kauai you might find a bunch of worms! They are a tad bit prettier than the worms you may find in your garden. Nature makes some pretty impressive looking creatures and why these flat worms are so colorful, I am not sure but they are awesome to look at!

As the Worm Turns

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  Flatworm3 (640x480)  Flatworm (640x479)

fiji080 (640x494)

If you look close when you snorkel or scuba dive in Kauai you might find a bunch of worms! They are a tad bit prettier than the worms you may find in your garden. Nature makes some pretty impressive looking creatures and why these flat worms are so colorful, I am not sure but they are awesome to look at!

These two inch long polyclad flatworms are thought to be one of the first creatures to have evolved in the sea. They breath through their skin and their mouth and anus are one in the same! Cut one of these guys in half and each side will grow a whole new flatworm!!

They crawl around on the rocks at a pace a little faster than a garden snail and they do not try to hide. It is thought they may be poisonous to eat so no flatworm fishing laws needed with these little guys!